
Updates to NERC GADS

Updates to NERC GADS

NERC has announced several significant updates to the GADS Reporting Standards that will impact utility oper ators and reliability professionals. We’ve created a comprehensive guide summarizing the 2023 changes to NERC GADS Reliability Performance Reporting standards, complete with an FAQ section to address common questions

Updates in The 2023 in NERC GADS Reliability Performance Reporting Standards

Enhanced Reporting Requirements for Renewable Energy Resources

In response to the rapid growth of renewable energy resources, NERC has updated the GADS reporting standards to include more comprehensive reporting requirements for wind, solar, and energy storage resources.

These updates ensure the accurate representation of renewable resources’ performance and availability within the GADS data, which ultimately improves the analysis and understanding of these resources’ impact on the reliability of the electric grid.

Integ is actively developing the next version of the PowerGADS Renewable software package that will meet the new reporting requirement.

Increased Data Granularity for Events

To provide better insights into the causes and durations of forced outages and deratings, NERC has introduced more granular reporting requirements for event data.

Starting in 2023, utilities will need to provide information on event types, durations, and causes at a more detailed level, which will facilitate the development of targeted strategies for enhancing grid reliability.

This is part of the Section 1600 Data Request Initiative. Current PowerGADS users are already in compliance with this updated regulation.

Improved Reporting of Equipment Health and Reliability

NERC has updated its GADS reporting standards to better capture information about equipment health and overall reliability. Utilities will now be required to submit additional information about equipment age, maintenance history, and known issues.

​This information will be used to identify trends and inform the development of proactive strategies for maintaining and enhancing grid reliability.

This is part of the Section 1600 Data Request Initiative where detail data about the design of each generator needs to be submitted. The submission of the design data will be a one-time event with future adjustment if necessary when equipment reconfiguration takes place.

Expanded Scope for Reporting Requirements

The growing importance of distributed energy resources (DERs) has caused NERC to expand the scope of the GADS reporting requirements to include smaller generation units and aggregated DERs. These changes include:

Inclusion of smaller generation units: NERC will now require GADS reporting for smaller generation units that previously fell below the reporting threshold. This will ensure that the performance data of these units is considered in reliability assessments.

These changes aim to provide a more comprehensive view of the performance and reliability of the entire electric grid, taking into account the contributions of both traditional large-scale generation units and smaller, distributed resources.

​As a result, NERC’s reliability assessments will be more representative of the evolving energy landscape and better equipped to address the challenges and opportunities that arise from the integration of diverse energy resources.

Streamlined Reporting Process

Finally, NERC has taken steps to streamline the GADS reporting process to make it more user-friendly and efficient for utilities.

This includes the introduction of a centralized data submission platform, improved guidance documentation, and enhanced customer support to facilitate timely and accurate reporting.​

The detail of this centralized platform is yet to be published.​By staying informed about these changes and adapting their reporting processes accordingly, utility operators and industry professionals can contribute to the ongoing efforts to maintain and enhance grid reliability.

We hope that our comprehensive guide to the 2023 changes and FAQ section has provided valuable insights and answers for our fellow experts, and we encourage you to stay connected with us for the latest news and updates on renewable utilities reliability standards.

FAQs on 2023 NERC GADS Reporting Standards Updates

How will the expanded reporting requirements for renewable resources affect utility operators?

The expanded reporting requirements for renewable resources will require utility operators to collect, analyze, and report more detailed data on the performance and availability of wind, solar, and energy storage resources.

This additional data will help to improve the understanding of these resources’ impact on the grid and inform the development of strategies to maintain grid reliability.

While the final Data Reporting Instructions have not been finalized, preliminary version of the instructions suggest high granularity of operating data between 5 to 15 minutes will need to be collected.

This massive amount of data will need to be further analyzed and formatted into Event Data and Monthly Performance Data.

Integ is actively developing the next version of the PowerGADS Renewable software that will automate the data collection and transformation as much as possible to facilitate the reporting process.

How does the increased data granularity for events benefit the industry?

The increased data granularity for events will provide a more detailed understanding of the causes and durations of forced outages and deratings.​This information will be invaluable for identifying trends, developing targeted strategies for improving reliability, and ultimately enhancing the performance of the electric grid.

How can utilities prepare for these changes to the GADS reporting standards?

Utilities can prepare for the 2023 changes to the GADS reporting standards by reviewing the updated reporting guidelines, making necessary adjustments to their data collection and analysis processes, and ensuring they have the appropriate resources and expertise in place to meet the new reporting requirements.

Additionally, utilities should familiarize themselves with the centralized data submission platform and take advantage of NERC’s customer support resources to ensure a smooth transition.

Integ’s PowerGADS software is built to facilitate the entire data collection and reporting process. With more than 24 years of experience in NERC and ISO GADS reporting, you can be confident that the process will be executed accurately and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

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